Lampiran Terminologi ANC
untuk Indeks Massa Tubuh sebelum Hamil
Observation.interpretation.coding.system | Observation.interpretation.coding.code | Observation.interpretation.coding.display | Observation.referenceRange.low | Observation.referenceRange.high | Observation.referenceRange.text |
248342006 | Underweight | Value: 18.4 | Kurus | ||
43664005 | Normal weight | Value: 18.5 | Value: 24.9 | Normal | |
238131007 | Overweight | Value: 25 | Value: 29.9 | Gemuk | |
414915002 | Obese | Value: 30 | Obesitas |
Kode ICD-10 untuk Komplikasi/Penyulit Kehamilan
Code | Display | Deskripsi | Trimester |
O20.0 | Threatened abortion | Abortus iminens | 1 |
O03.4 | Spontaneous abortion; incomplete; without complication | Abortus inkomplit | 1 |
O03.9 | Spontaneous abortion; complete or unspecified; without complication | Abortus komplit | 1 |
O02.0 | Blighted ovum and nonhydatidiform mole | Blighted Ovum | 1 |
O02.1 | Missed abortion | Dead conceptus | 1 |
O00.1 | Tubal pregnancy | Kehamilan ektopik | 1 |
O00.0 | Abdominal pregnancy | Abdo. Pregnancy | 1 |
O01.0 | Classical hydatidiform mole | Mola hidatidosa | 1 |
O01.1 | Incomplete and partial hydatidiform mole | Mola Parsial | 1 |
O21.0 | Mild hyperemesis gravidarum | Emesis gravidarum | 1 |
O21.1 | Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance | Hiperemesis | 1 |
O08.0 | Genital tract and pelvic infection following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy | Infeksiosa | 1 |
O08.1 | Delayed or excessive haemorrhage following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy | Fluxus profus | 1 |
O08.3 | Shock following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy | Syok | 1 |
O08.5 | Metabolic disorders following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy | Gx metabolik | 1 |
O08.6 | Damage to pelvic organs and tissues following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy | Preforasi | 1 |
O10.0 | Pre-existing essential hypertension complicating pregnancy; childbirth and the puerperium | Hipertensi kronis | 2-3 |
O11 | Pre-existing hypertensive disorder with superimposed proteinuria | Hipertensi kronis si PE | 2-3 |
O13 | Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension without significant proteinuria | Hipertensi gestasional | 2-3 |
O14.0 | Moderate pre-eclampsia | Preeklampsia (PE) | 2-3 |
O14.1 | Severe pre-eclampsia | Preeklampsia Berat (PEB) | 2-3 |
O14.2 | HELLP syndrome | HELLP Syndrome | 2-3 |
O15.0 | Eclampsia in pregnancy | Eklampsia | 2-3 |
O22.4 | Haemorrhoids in pregnancy | Hemoroid | 2-3 |
O23.3 | Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy | ISK | 2-3 |
O23.5 | Infections of the genital tract in pregnancy | BV / fluor albus | 2-3 |
O24.3 | Pre-existing diabetes mellitus; unspecified | DM Pragest | 2-3 |
O24.4 | Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy | DM gest | 2-3 |
O99.2 | Endocrine; nutritional and metabolic diseases complicating pregnancy; childbirth and the puerperium | Obesitas | 2-3 |
O25 | Malnutrition in pregnancy | Underweight | 2-3 |
O26.2 | Pregnancy care of habitual aborter | RPL Hamil | 2-3 |
O26.6 | Liver disorders in pregnancy; childbirth and the puerperium | Kehamilan liver | 2-3 |
O30.0 | Twin pregnancy | Hamil Kembar 2 | 2-3 |
O30.1 | Triplet pregnancy | Hamil Kembar 3 | 2-3 |
O31.8 | Other complications specific to multiple gestation | kemplikasi kembar | 2-3 |
O32.1 | Maternal care for breech presentation | Presentasi sungsang | 2-3 |
O32.2 | Maternal care for transverse and oblique lie | Presentasi lintang | 2-3 |
O34.0 | Maternal care for congenital malformation of uterus | Kelainan uterus | 2-3 |
O34.1 | Maternal care for tumour of corpus uteri | Tumor uterus | 2-3 |
O34.2 | Maternal care due to uterine scar from previous surgery | Bekas SC | 2-3 |
O34.3 | Maternal care for cervical incompetence | Cervik inkopeten | 2-3 |
O34.8 | Maternal care for other abnormalities of pelvic organs | Prolaps uteri | 2-3 |
O35.9 | Maternal care for (suspected) fetal abnormality and damage; unspecified | Komplikasi Kongenital janin | 2-3 |
O36.0 | Maternal care for rhesus isoimmunization | Rhesus Isoimunisasi | 2-3 |
O36.2 | Maternal care for hydrops fetalis | Hidrops fetalis | 2-3 |
O36.4 | Maternal care for intrauterine death | IUFD | 2-3 |
O36.5 | Maternal care for poor fetal growth | IUGR | 2-3 |
O36.6 | Maternal care for excessive fetal growth | Makrosomia | 2-3 |
O40 | Polyhydramnios | Hidramnion | 2-3 |
O41.0 | Oligohydramnios | Oligohidramion | 2-3 |
O41.1 | Infection of amniotic sac and membranes | Korioamnitis | 2-3 |
O42.2 | Premature rupture of membranes; labour delayed by therapy | KPP konservatif | 2-3 |
O42.0 | Premature rupture of membranes; onset of labour within 24 hours | KPP < 24 jam | 2-3 |
O42.1 | Premature rupture of membranes; onset of labour after 24 hours | KPP > 24 jam | 2-3 |
O43.2 | Morbidly adherent placenta | Plasenta akreta | 2-3 |
O44.1 | Placenta praevia with haemorrhage | Plasenta previa | 2-3 |
O45.8 | Other premature separation of placenta | Solusio plasenta | 2-3 |
O48 | Prolonged pregnancy | Postterm > 42 mgg | 2-3 |
O26.9 | Pregnancy-related condition; unspecified | Komplikasi Obstetri Lain | 2-3 |
Pemetaan Perubahan Kode Modul Antenatal Care
Variabel | Value Set | FHIR Path | Versi 1.0 | Versi 1.1 |
Indeks Massa Tubuh Sebelum Hamil | Normal |
| ||
| BMI-Normal | 43664005 | ||
| Normal weight | Normal weight | ||
Kepala Terhadap PAP | Kepala Terhadap PAP |
| ||
| OC000002 | 249111004 | ||
| Kepala Terhadap PAP | Engagement of head | ||
Masuk Panggul |
| |||
| 0V000001 | 249112006 | ||
| Masuk panggul | Head engaged | ||
Belum Masuk Panggul |
| |||
| OV000002 | 62098001 | ||
| Belum masuk panggul | Head not engaged | ||
Presentasi | Presentasi Kepala |
| ||
| OV000003 | 1209182005 | ||
| Presentasi Kepala | Cephalic fetal presentation | ||
Presentasi Bokong |
| |||
| OV000004 | 6096002 | ||
| Presentasi Bokong | Breech presentation | ||
Letak Lintang |
| |||
| OV000005 | 288203005 | ||
| Letak Lintang | Transverse/oblique lie | ||
Jumlah Janin | Jumlah Janin |
| ||
| OC000003 | 246435002 | ||
| Jumlah Janin | Number of fetuses | ||
Letak Janin | Letak Janin |
| ||
| OC000004 | 271692001 | ||
| Letak Janin (USG) | Presentation of fetus | ||
Intrauteri |
| |||
| OV000006 | 398236008 | ||
| Intrauteri | Intrauterine | ||
Ekstrauteri |
| |||
| OV000007 | 298109001 | ||
| Ekstrauteri | Ectopic |